Kibby Rocks Weekend

Kibby Creek Campground

Yes, Kibby Rocks, but did you know there's lots of fun to be had with ROCKS? Come see for yourself!

Storybook Week

Kibby Creek Campground

The best of the best storybooks - at camp!

Luck O’ the Irish

Kibby Creek Campground

This week, everyone is Irish! Trust us - it's best that way!

Christmas in July

Kibby Creek Campground

The best Christmas celebration, outside of Christmas, known to man. Where else can you indulge in a hot chocolate snowstorm or a peppermint milkshake while relaxing in the warm sun?

Farm Week

Kibby Creek Campground

This week - every campsite will feature its own farm animal. Lounge around the campfire with a pig or a goat... (just kidding!). But, seriously, we love farms and farmers! […]

Mystery Week

Kibby Creek Campground

Is Mystery Week all about mysteries, or is the week a mystery in itself? To answer this question you may just have to show up yourself to see!

Magic Show

Kibby Creek Campground

Join us for a fun family-friendly magic show!

Camp Week

Kibby Creek Campground

Camp week at camp! For a week! It'll be great!

At the Beach Week

Kibby Creek Campground

This week, we're bringing the beach to the campground! We'll need everyone to bring a shovel and a bucket and we'll get to work together!

Best of Summer Weekend

Kibby Creek Campground

Yes, it's sad, summer is coming to an end. But that doesn't mean that we can't fit a whole summer of fun into one weekend! LETS DO IT!

Harvest Weekend #1

Kibby Creek Campground

If you know, you know, if you don't know - well, you should find out.

Harvest Weekend #2

Kibby Creek Campground

If you know, you know, if you don't know - well, you should find out.